Welcome to the May edition of our newsletter. Here are some of the things we have been up to and some free resources which you can share.
What we’ve been up to
This month we have worked on Easy Read documents for a variety of organisations
including the Department of Health and Social Care, NHS England, Ffilm Cymru Wales, Kisharon, and Cornwall Council.
We had our quarterly company training day on 25 May, where we discussed a range of topics for improving the Easy Read documents we create, such as:
Improvements to our Quality Assurance process.
Using AI to aid our translations.
Best practice for using icons in our images.
During the day we also met with Mencap Liverpool and Sefton members to discuss our shared Ask for Easy Read campaign.

Results of the Ask for Easy Read survey
The survey to find out how much people know about Easy Read and how to ask for information in Easy Read has now closed. We will be sharing the results in full soon but some highlight facts from the survey were:
39% of people said they did not know how to ask for information in Easy Read.
40% of people said they did not know they had the right to ask services they use for information in Easy Read. This rose to 45% of people who have a learning disability.
We think this shows the need for an awareness campaign to let people with learning disabilities and their supporters know about their rights. We will work with our partners at Mencap Liverpool and Sefton to further develop this campaign in the coming months.
Mental health awareness resource
As part of Mental Health Awareness Week we created an Easy Read document about how to deal with anxiety. You can see a copy here, please feel free to share.

You can see the document by clicking the button below.
Please feel free to share this document. It is a free document that can be used and enjoyed by everyone.
Coming up in June…
Learning Disability Awareness Week
19 to 25 June
Learning Disability Awareness Week is all about sharing the successes that people with learning disabilities have and busting myths about what living with a learning disability is like.
Watch out for our social media posts during the week celebrating success stories from people with learning disabilities.
You can find out more about the week from Mencap here -

Pride month
We wish everyone in the LGBTQIA+ community a happy pride month. We have created this free Easy Read document to explain the acronym to people with learning disabilities. Feel free to share with your contacts.

You can see the document by clicking the button below.
Please feel free to share this document. It is a free document that can be used and enjoyed by everyone.
We hope you have a great month ahead and look forward to working together with you on any future Easy Read projects.
Best wishes from the Easy Read Online team