“On this day and every day, let us work together in finding innovative solutions to build an accessible and equitable world for all.”
António Guterres (Secretary-General of the United Nations)

Over 1 billion people in the world have some form of disability, and in 1992 the United Nations marked the 3rd of December as the official day to promote the rights and well-being of disabled people globally. The International Day of Persons with Disabilities aims to highlight the barriers and challenges disabled people encounter in every aspect of their life. Raising awareness of such barriers can encourage us all to participate in creating a more inclusive world, incorporating the needs of disabled people. It is imperative that organisations, both Government and independent, commit to inclusion.
Understanding Disability

Under The Equality Act of 2010, a disability is a long-term physical or mental impairment that substantially affects a person’s life. This could be a person’s movements, their senses, the way they perform activities or the way they socialise and communicate with others. A disability can affect either one or a combination of these things.
What can you do to recognise The International Day of Persons with Disabilities within your organisation?
Working to actively include disabled people in your organisation, as both employees and service users, is important to organisation development and progression - as well as contributing to making the world a fairer place. One way you can do this is by devoting effort to making ‘reasonable adjustments’ to your organisation for both disabled employees and service users. ‘Reasonable adjustments’ are changes organisations can make in order to remove disadvantages disabled people are experiencing - this can involve offering your information in accessible formats.
How can we help you to do this at Easy Read Online?
An essential part of everyone’s life is being able to comprehend the world around us, and all the information it throws our way. Some disabled people might not be able to understand or decipher information in the same way as others. The Equality Act of 2010 states organisations are required to produce information in accessible formats. Easy Read is an accessible format that translates difficult information, making it easy to understand. This ensures that disabled people have equal access to information, and are not discriminated against. At Easy Read Online we are dedicated to providing organisations’ information in Easy Read, for the benefit of everyone involved. You can find more information about requesting Easy Read on our website: www.easy-read-online.co.uk/

Susan requires financial help with social care and the support that she needs to live a full life.
She asks her local council for some information about benefits she might be eligible for, to help her pay for this social care. The local council sends Susan a lengthy reference booklet of 30 or more pages that uses complicated jargon and confusing concepts. Susan opens the booklet and becomes immediately overwhelmed as she cannot understand the information - she dismisses the booklet and avoids applying for the financial help she needs and deserves. This situation could have been avoided if the council had asked what kind of format Susan would like her information in - an Easy Read booklet of information would have been more suited to Susan’s needs.